Training & Education

WSCJTC holds a variety of courses for those in the law enforcement, corrections, public safety and the criminal justice field. Many of these courses have prerequisistes that must be met, and may only be open to certain individuals. Click any course below for more information on availability and requirements.

Disclaimer: The courses labeled as WSCJTC are fully supported by Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission, all registration, curriculum, and instructors are managed by Commission. Courses labeled with Vendor are being advertised as a courtesy to the stakeholder agency hosting the course. WSCJTC has not evaluated the content or presentation for these courses – these listings are merely a convenience to our stakeholders and should not be interpreted as an endorsement by WSCJTC.

Leadership Courses

The following leadership courses are available to those interested in leadership roles, and those that have been promoted into First Level and Middle Manager roles.  Review the prerequisites for each class to make sure you qualify and are eligible to take the course. 

Career Level Certification (CLC) is required for all law enforcement and corrections personnel hired, transferred to or promoted to a supervisory or management position as outlined in RCW 43.101.350.  Of the three levels of CLC, only First Level Supervisor and Middle Management are mandated. To view more info about certification, visit our Career Level Certification page.

Title Training Number Location Description Training Type
21st Century Police Leadership (21 CPL) 4250 Virtual

21st Century Police Leadership (21 CPL)  is an intensive course designed to foster, train and empower law enforcement leaders.  Selected applicants will be assigned to a cohort that will receive this training during a 3-month period.  The primary courses embedded within this curriculum are Emotional Intelligence, Effective Communications and Cultivating Culture.  The delivery method for this curriculum will involve pre-course self-study work, 3 days in class a month (totaling 9 days of actual class time) followed by assignments and peer learning calls between courses.

First Level Supervision 4127

The job of a First Level Supervisor is perhaps the most challenging position in the organization and clearly critical to its success. Based upon a comprehensive Job Task Analysis conducted jointly with its stakeholders, the Criminal Justice Training Commission (CJTC) has re-designed the First Level Supervision Training program.

Pre-Supervisors 4124 Virtual

This 40 hour pre-supervisors course is designed to acquaint the prospective supervisor with an awareness of the demands and functions of the world of supervision. All too often, the newly appointed supervisor subsequently find themselves immersed in a world they didn’t anticipate and/or doesn’t understand. The transition from effective line worker to effective supervisor is difficult and challenging.